Home Buyers Protection Insurance
Insure against losing costs and fees in the event of your house purchase falling through.
24hr Claims Helpline
Protect yourself from just £80.08
What's the risk?
In the UK on average, 1 in 3 property purchase transactions break down. With the risk of a sale falling through, our Home Buyers Protection Insurance means you can claim back some of your conveyancing costs and professional fees if the worst happens.
What is Home Buyers Protection Insurance?
When you are purchasing a property you will very quickly incur costs such as solicitors, valuation, conveyancing and mortgage fees early in the process.
Home Buyers Protection Insurance will protect you if the seller changes their mind, you’re gazumped, or the mortgage lender valuation is lower than the accepted offer.

Instant benefits
Home Buyers Protection Insurance covers you when the transaction breaks down during the property purchase process.
Protect yourself from just £80.08
Peace of mind if your purchase falls through
Conveyancing fees protection up to £1,100
Survey and Mortgage valuation fees up to £750
Mortgage arrangement and lenders fees up to £400
Policy is valid for 180 days
What does Home Buyers Protection Insurance cover?
Your costs will be insured if the sale falls through due to:
Withdrawal from the sale due to gazumping if the vendor withdraws from the sale due to an alternative offer being accepted which is at least £1,000 more.
Withdrawal by the vendor for any other reason, if the sale does not proceed through no fault of your own.
Costs incurred following an adverse legal search.
Cover if the lenders valuation is less than 90% of the amount you have offered.
Structural defects leading to a revised valuation at least 10% below the price you offered.
You are diagnosed with a terminal illness and unable to proceed.
You are given notice of redundancy and you are unable to proceed.
Damage to property occurs, and the cost is more than 10% of the value of the property.
What is not insured:
Costs incurred prior to the policy starting.
Costs and expenses if you withdraw from the sale.
Costs and expenses if you are aware of a previous survey of the property within the last 90 days which may mean the sale would not proceed