Best Price Financial Services currently delivers Life Insurance, Income Protection, Annuities and Stocks & Shares ISAs for our clients to buy online. Some systems we host on our own server, and others are hosted on our providers servers. Below, we'll explain to you how secure our systems are.
Life Insurance & Income Protection
Both of these online applications are hosted on our own system but the database holding your details aren't. These are securely locked up with our partners on their database which is monitored very closely. When you decide to go with a certain provider, your details will also be stored on their secure databases. We don't hold any of your information.
If you decide to go down the Fee based product you will be redirected to PayPal for payments to be collected. Again we don't hold any information about your credit card or personal details when you make a payment. All information is stored with PayPal and their high security systems. For more information on PayPal security, click here.
Our annuities microsite is hosted with our partners at Partnership. The site is completely controlled by them and so too is the security. We have it on safe terms that their system is secure and all the details that you submit are too.
Stocks & Shares ISAs
As with annuities, our Stocks & Shares ISA platform is a microsite hosted by our partners Cofunds. The site is completely controlled by them and so too is the security. We have it on safe terms that their system is secure and all the details that you submit are too.

Get a Life Insurance Quote
Safeguard your family's financial future with life cover - we're cheaper than comparison sites
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Income Protection Insurance
Protect your income in the event of illness or injury with cover at 0% commission rates
Compare quotesFSCS will cover your investments
You are covered for up to £85,000 per fund management group with Best Price Financial Services.
You can find more information about the FSCS on their website